ICRS Annual Fund
Securing the Financial Future of ICRS
Thanks to a group of visionary, and very generous, parents and friends of Immaculate Conception Regional School, our school is fortunate to have a substantial and growing endowment. This Endowment was established in 1986 to ensure the long-term sustainability of the school. A gift to the Immaculate Conception Regional School Endowment Fund will make a difference in the lives of students long into the future. Your contribution in the form of cash, gifts of appreciated securities, life insurance policies, and other bequests and legacies can have an impact on generations of children.

Contributions help grow our interest earning endowment. Gifts, whether made now or as a bequest in a Will, are deposited in the Endowment Fund. The interest income from the endowment is used to help support the ICRS operating budget and scholarships

The Endowment Fund contributes more than $100,000 per year to ICRS, this reduces tuition for each student.
Your contribution is tax deductible as allowed by law.

Click on the blue "Make a Donation" button to make your Endowment contribution today.
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